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Photo credit: Berne Broudy.

When the leaves start to fall and the air gets crisp, it’s time for RV and travel trailer owners to think about winter storage. Properly storing your mobile haven during the colder months isn’t just a matter of convenience; it’s a crucial step in maintaining the longevity and safety of your investment. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the why, how, and where of RV and travel trailer winter storage, ensuring your vehicle remains in top condition, ready for the adventures that await when spring rolls around.

Why is Proper Winter Storage Essential for RVs and Travel Trailers?


Leaving an RV or travel trailer exposed to the harsh elements of winter without proper preparation can lead to significant, often costly, damages. From the wear and tear of freezing temperatures to the potential for structural harm due to snow accumulation, the risks are many. This section highlights why taking the time to store your vehicle correctly is a crucial aspect of RV ownership.

What are the Risks of Storing an RV Outside in Winter?

Storing your RV outdoors during winter might seem like a convenient option, but it’s fraught with risks that can lead to significant damage. The primary threat comes from the harsh winter elements, particularly in regions where freezing temperatures, snow, and ice are prevalent. These conditions can cause a myriad of problems:

  • Snow Weight and Structural Damage: Accumulated snow can exert considerable weight on the RV’s roof, leading to potential structural damage. This stress can cause the roof to sag or, in severe cases, collapse, especially if the RV is not designed to withstand such loads.
  • Freezing Temperatures and Plumbing Issues: Cold weather can cause the water in your RV’s plumbing system to freeze and expand, leading to burst pipes and costly repairs.
  • UV Rays and Exterior Wear: Even in winter, UV rays can cause fading and deterioration of the RV’s exterior, including its paint and decals.
  • Moisture and Mold Growth: Snow and rain can seep into any cracks or unsealed areas, leading to moisture buildup inside the RV. This damp environment is a breeding ground for mold and mildew, which can damage the interior and pose health risks.
  • Critter Infestation: An RV sitting idle in the cold months can become a haven for rodents and insects, leading to infestations that can damage wiring and interior furnishings.

Why Consider Indoor RV Storage for Winter?

Indoor RV storage emerges as a superior solution for winter storage, offering a range of benefits that outdoor options simply can’t match. When your RV is stored indoors, it’s shielded from the direct impact of winter’s harshest elements. Here’s why indoor storage is a wise choice:

  • Protection from Extreme Weather: Indoor storage facilities provide a barrier against snow, ice, and freezing temperatures, significantly reducing the risk of weather-related damage.
  • Avoidance of UV Damage: Being indoors means your RV is protected from the detrimental effects of UV rays, preserving the exterior appearance and longevity of the vehicle.
  • Reduced Moisture and Mold Risks: Indoor environments typically have better-controlled humidity levels, which helps prevent moisture accumulation and mold growth within your RV.
  • Security and Safety: Indoor storage units often offer enhanced security features, protecting your RV from theft, vandalism, and accidental damage.
  • Convenience and Access: Many indoor storage facilities offer additional services such as battery charging, tire pressure maintenance, and even cleaning, making it a hassle-free option for RV owners.

While indoor storage spaces may come at a higher price point compared to outdoor options, the level of protection and peace of mind it provides makes it a worthwhile investment for most RV owners.

What are the Key Steps for Preparing Your RV for Winter Storage?

The process is not merely about parking your recreational vehicle in a safe location; it involves a series of steps to ensure that your RV remains in pristine condition throughout the cold season.

Below we will provide a comprehensive overview of these key steps, which are crucial for protecting your RV from the freezing temperatures, moisture, and other potential hazards of winter.

How to Effectively Drain the Water System?

One of the most important steps in preparing your RV for winter storage is draining the water system. This process is essential to prevent the freezing and bursting of pipes, which can lead to extensive and costly repairs. Here’s a detailed guide on how to effectively drain your RV’s water system:

  • Start by Draining the Tanks: Begin with the black and gray tanks, as these hold waste and used water. Ensure they are thoroughly emptied.
  • Drain the Fresh Water System: Next, focus on the fresh water tank. Make sure to drain it completely to prevent any water from freezing.
  • Open All Faucets and Valves: This includes both the indoor and outdoor faucets. Keep them open to allow any residual water to drain out.
  • Bypass the Water Heater: This prevents antifreeze from entering and filling the water heater, which can be wasteful and unnecessary.
  • Use Compressed Air or RV Antifreeze: To ensure all water is removed, you can either blow out the lines with compressed air or fill the system with non-toxic RV antifreeze. This step is vital for ensuring that no water remains in the pipes.

How to Prep the Exterior of Your RV?

The exterior of your RV is its first line of defense against the harsh winter weather. Proper preparation of the exterior is critical to prevent damage from snow, ice, and freezing temperatures. Here’s how to prepare the exterior of your RV for winter storage:

  • Thoroughly Wash the Exterior: Start by washing your RV to remove any dirt, debris, or tree sap. A clean exterior will help you identify any areas that need repair.
  • Inspect for Cracks and Gaps: Check the RV’s exterior carefully for any cracks, holes, or gaps. Pay special attention to windows, doors, and the roof.
  • Seal and Caulk as Necessary: Use quality sealant to reseal any areas that show signs of wear or damage. This helps prevent moisture from entering and causing mold or mildew.
  • Apply a Protective Cover: If storing your RV outdoors, consider using an RV cover for additional protection. Make sure the cover is breathable to prevent moisture buildup.

Why Choosing a Safe Storage Location Matters?

Selecting an appropriate storage location for your RV during the winter is not just a matter of convenience; it’s a critical decision that impacts the well-being of your vehicle. Here are key reasons why the storage location is paramount:

  • Protection from Harsh Weather Conditions: A good storage location will shield your RV from extreme weather, including heavy snowfall, freezing temperatures, and strong winds. These elements can cause significant wear and tear if the RV is not properly protected.
  • Prevention of Vandalism and Theft: Security is a major concern when storing your RV. A secure storage facility reduces the risk of vandalism and theft, providing peace of mind.
  • Avoidance of Environmental Damage: Locations that are prone to flooding, have soft ground, or have a high risk of falling debris (like tree branches) should be avoided. These environments can lead to additional, often unforeseen, damage to your RV.
  • Accessibility and Convenience: Consider the ease of access to your storage location. If you need to perform regular checks or maintenance on your RV during the winter, a nearby and easily accessible location is ideal.

In essence, the right storage location not only offers a lot of protection from the physical elements but also ensures the safety and accessibility of your RV, making it a crucial step in winter storage preparation.

How to Ensure Proper Covering of Your RV and Travel Trailer?

The type of cover you choose for your RV or travel trailer plays a significant role in its protection during the winter months. Here’s a guide to some tips for selecting and using the right cover:

  • Types of Covers: There are various RV covers available, ranging from standard tarps to custom-fitted covers. Consider factors like material durability, breathability, and UV protection when choosing a cover. Custom-fitted covers, while more expensive, offer the best protection as they are designed to fit your specific RV model snugly.
  • Pros and Cons: A good quality RV cover will protect your vehicle from UV rays, rain, snow, and dirt. However, it’s important to note that poor-quality covers can trap moisture, leading to mold and mildew. Additionally, covers can be cumbersome to put on and take off.
  • Effective Application: Ensure the cover is secured properly to prevent it from blowing away or getting damaged. Pay attention to areas like corners and edges, which can wear out faster. Using protective padding on sharp edges of your RV can prevent the cover from tearing.
  • Regular Inspection: Even with a cover, it’s important to periodically check your RV throughout the winter. This helps identify any issues like water pooling or parts of the RV being exposed due to the cover shifting.

What Measures to Take for Tire Protection?

The tires of your RV are critical components that demand special attention during winter storage.

Exposing them to cold temperatures and other elements without proper care can lead to deterioration and potential safety hazards. Here’s how to protect your RV tires during winter storage:

  • Inspect Tires for Damage: Before storage, check your tires for any signs of wear, tear, or damage. Look for cracks, bulges, or bald spots that might have developed over the season.
  • Proper Inflation: Ensure your tires are inflated to the recommended pressure. Changes in temperature can lead to fluctuating tire pressures, so it’s important they start off at the right level.
  • Use Tire Covers: Tire covers provide additional protection against UV rays and harsh weather conditions, significantly extending the life of your tires.
  • Relieve Pressure Off Tires: Consider using jacks or tire savers to take some weight off the tires. Long-term pressure can lead to flat spots or weaken the tire structure.
  • Avoid Direct Contact with Ground: Park your RV on a surface like plywood or concrete to prevent the tires from sitting on cold or soft ground, which can cause damage over time.

Best Practices for Battery Storage and Maintenance

The battery is the lifeline of your RV, and proper care during storage is essential. To avoid coming back to a dead RV, follow these best practices for battery storage and maintenance:

  • Fully Charge the Battery: Before storing, ensure the battery is fully charged. A partially charged battery can freeze at higher temperatures, causing irreparable damage.
  • Disconnect the Battery: Disconnecting the battery prevents it from draining due to any residual electrical consumption.
  • Store in a Cool, Dry Place: If possible, remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry place. Extreme cold can decrease the battery’s lifespan.
  • Regular Charging: If feasible, periodically charge the battery during the storage period to maintain its health and longevity.
  • Inspect for Corrosion: Check the battery terminals for signs of corrosion or wear and clean them as necessary.

Why and How to Use Fuel Stabilizer?

Fuel stabilizers play a large and vital role in maintaining your RV’s engine when it sits idle during the winter. Here’s why and how you should use a fuel stabilizer:

  • Preventing Fuel Degradation: Over time, fuel can degrade and oxidize, leading to the formation of gums and varnishes that can clog the fuel system. A stabilizer prevents this degradation.
  • Easy to Use: Simply add the recommended amount of stabilizer to your RV’s fuel tank and then run the engine for a few minutes to ensure it circulates through the system.
  • Long-Term Protection: Fuel stabilizer can protect your engine for several months, making it perfect for winter storage.
  • Avoiding Costly Repairs: Using a fuel stabilizer can save you from costly repairs and maintenance issues when you take your RV out of storage.

How to Make Your RV Critter-Resistant?

Your RV can be an attractive shelter for critters during the cold winter months. Here’s how to ensure your RV remains critter-resistant:

  • Seal Openings: Check for and seal any openings where pests could enter. This includes gaps around windows, doors, and vents. Use silicone or expanding foam for a tight seal.
  • Remove Food Sources: Ensure no food items are left in the RV. Even small crumbs can attract rodents and insects.
  • Use Repellents: Natural repellents like peppermint oil can deter pests. Commercial rodent and insect repellents can also be effective.
  • Set Traps: In areas prone to rodents, consider setting traps inside and around the RV.
  • Regular Inspections: Regularly inspect your RV for signs of critter intrusion, especially if stored in a location known for pest issues.

Implementing these measures will significantly reduce the risk of critter damage, keeping your RV in prime condition.

What Periodic Checks are Essential during Winter Storage?

Even when stored, your RV requires periodic checks to ensure everything remains in order. Here are essential checks to conduct:

  • Inspect for Leaks: Regularly check for water leaks, especially after heavy snow or rain. Look around windows, doors, and the roof.
  • Battery Health: If you haven’t removed the battery, check its charge level and overall condition.
  • Tire Pressure: Check the tire pressure and adjust as needed to prevent flat spots or damage.
  • Exterior and Cover Condition: Ensure the RV cover is secure and inspect the exterior for any damage or issues.
  • Rodent and Pest Inspection: Look for signs of pests, especially if you’ve had issues in the past.

Regular checks will help you catch and address any issues early, preventing more significant problems down the line.

How to Protect Your RV from Damaging Weather Conditions?

Protecting your RV from harsh winter weather conditions is crucial. Here are measures to take:

  • Use a Quality Cover: A good cover protects against snow, ice, UV rays, and rain. Ensure it’s well-fitted and durable.
  • Clear Snow and Ice: Regularly remove snow and ice from the RV, especially from the roof, to prevent damage.
  • Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation to prevent humidity buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew.
  • Positioning: If possible, store your RV in a position that minimizes exposure to direct sunlight and wind.

These steps will help protect your RV from the harsh winter elements, maintaining its condition.

Аdd Antifreeze

Antifreeze is essential in preventing your RV’s water system from freezing. Here’s how to use it:

  • Non-Toxic Antifreeze: Use non-toxic antifreeze designed for RVs to protect your plumbing system.
  • Drain Water System: Before adding antifreeze, drain all water from the system, including tanks, heaters, and pipes.
  • Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Add antifreeze according to the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure adequate protection.
  • Run Faucets: Turn on all faucets until you see antifreeze, ensuring the entire system is protected.

Ensuring Anti-Theft

The threat of theft is a significant concern for RV owners, especially during the winter when the vehicle is often left unattended for extended periods. Implementing robust travel trailer security measures is essential. Here are key strategies to enhance the security of your RV:

  • Use High-Quality Locks: Invest in high-grade locks for all doors and windows. Specialized RV locks can offer enhanced security compared to standard versions.
  • Install an Alarm System: A loud alarm system can deter thieves and alert nearby people in case of a break-in attempt.
  • GPS Tracking Devices: Consider installing a GPS tracker to locate your RV if it’s stolen.
  • Secure the Area: If stored at home, ensure the storage area is well-lit and, if possible, under surveillance.
  • Remove Valuables: Do not leave valuable items in the RV. If you must, keep them out of sight and in a locked compartment.

Are There Benefits to Maintaining Your RV by Hand During Winter?


While it might seem convenient to leave your RV untouched during its winter storage period, there are several great benefits to periodic hands-on maintenance:

  • Early Detection of Issues: Regular check-ups can help you spot and address any problems early, such as leaks or damage, before they escalate.
  • Battery Maintenance: Personal inspection allows you to check the battery’s health and ensure it’s properly charged and stored.
  • Tire Care: Regularly inspecting and adjusting the tire pressure can prevent flat spots and extend their lifespan.
  • Moisture and Mold Prevention: Hands-on maintenance helps you monitor the RV’s interior for signs of moisture or mold, especially in hidden areas.
  • Familiarity with Your RV: Regular interaction with your RV keeps you familiar with its condition and any peculiarities, which can be beneficial for troubleshooting in the long run.

Prevent Moisture and Its Damaging Effects?

Moisture is a silent enemy for RVs during winter storage, leading to mold, mildew, and corrosion. Here’s how to prevent moisture and its damaging effects:

  • Use Dehumidifiers: Portable dehumidifiers can significantly reduce humidity levels inside the RV, preventing moisture build-up.
  • Moisture Absorbers: Products like silica gel or moisture-absorbing bags can be placed inside the RV to help keep the air dry.
  • Ventilation Strategies: Adequate ventilation is key. Ensure that vents are slightly open to allow air circulation, which helps prevent condensation.
  • Check Seals and Weatherstripping: Ensure that all doors, windows, and hatches are properly sealed to prevent moisture from seeping in.
  • Dry Before Storage: If your RV is exposed to rain or snow before storage, make sure it’s completely dry to avoid trapping moisture inside.

Ensure Your RV’s Electrical Systems Remain Intact?

The electrical system of your RV is crucial for its functionality. Here are measures to protect it during winter storage:

  • Disconnect and Store Batteries: Remove the batteries and store them in a cool, dry place to prevent discharge and damage.
  • Inspect Electrical Connections: Check all electrical connections for signs of wear or corrosion. Clean and tighten connections as necessary.
  • Protect Against Rodents: Rodents can chew on wires. Use rodent repellents or traps to protect the electrical wiring.
  • Use a Surge Protector: If your RV is plugged in for maintenance charging, use a surge protector to guard against electrical surges.
  • Regular Check-ups: Periodically inspect the electrical system during the storage period to ensure there are no emerging issues.

Proper Care and Storage of Propane Tanks

Propane tanks require special attention during the winter months. Here are essential guidelines for their safe storage:

  • Turn Off Valves: Before storing, ensure all propane tank valves are securely turned off to prevent leaks.
  • Inspect for Leaks: Check the tanks for any signs of leaks or damage. A simple soap and water solution can be used to detect leaks.
  • Store Tanks Outside: Propane tanks should be stored outside the RV in a well-ventilated area to reduce the risk of gas build-up and potential fire hazards.
  • Cover and Protect: Use protective covers to shield the tanks from direct exposure to environmental elements like snow and rain.
  • Regular Checks: Periodically inspect the tanks even during storage for any signs of rust or damage.

Protect the Interior of Your RV During Storage

The interior of your RV also needs care to ensure it remains in good condition through the winter. Here’s how to protect it:

  • Thorough Cleaning: Start with a deep clean of the entire interior, including the kitchen, bathroom, and living areas.
  • Remove Perishables: All perishable items should be removed to prevent mold and odors.
  • Use Protective Coverings: Cover furniture and electronics to protect them from dust and moisture.
  • Moisture Control: Consider using moisture absorbers or small dehumidifiers to prevent dampness and mold.
  • Check Ventilation: Ensure that your RV is adequately ventilated to avoid condensation build-up.

Safeguard Levelers & Jacks During Winter

Levelers and jacks are essential for maintaining your RV’s stability and should be properly cared for during winter storage. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Clean and Lubricate: Before storing, clean any dirt or debris from the levelers and jacks and apply a protective lubricant to prevent rust.
  • Use Supporting Blocks: Place blocks under the levelers and jacks to reduce pressure and prevent them from sinking into soft ground.
  • Inspect for Damage: Look for any signs of wear or damage and repair if necessary.
  • Retract When Possible: If weather conditions permit, keep the levelers and jacks retracted to avoid exposure to the elements.

Where Can You Store Your RV during Winter?


Selecting the right location for storing your RV during the winter months is a critical decision that can greatly impact the condition and longevity of your vehicle.

Various storage options are available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding these can help you make an informed choice that suits your specific needs and circumstances.

What are the Pros and Cons of Renting an RV Storage Unit?

Renting an RV storage unit is a popular option for many RV owners. Here are the pros and cons to consider:

  • Pros:
    • Security: Many storage facilities offer enhanced security features, such as surveillance cameras and gated access, providing peace of mind.
    • Protection from Elements: Indoor or covered storage units can protect your RV from harsh weather conditions, including UV rays, snow, and rain.
    • Additional Services: Some facilities offer additional services like RV washing, battery charging, and tire pressure checks.
  • Cons:
    • Cost: Renting a storage unit can be expensive, especially for premium options like climate-controlled units.
    • Location and Accessibility: Depending on where you live, a suitable storage facility may not be conveniently located, and accessing your RV can be less flexible.

Where is the Best Place to Store a Travel Trailer or Camper in the Winter?

The best place to store your travel trailer or camper in the winter depends on several factors:

  • Personal Property: If you have space, storing your RV at home can be the most cost-effective and convenient option. It offers easy access for maintenance and check-ups.
  • Outdoor Storage Facilities: These are typically more affordable than indoor options and are suitable if your RV is well-prepared for winter conditions.
  • Indoor Storage Facilities: Ideal for extreme weather conditions, offering the best protection against the elements, but at a higher cost.
  • Climate Considerations: In areas with severe winter weather, indoor or covered storage is preferable to protect against snow and ice damage.

Understanding the Costs of RV (Travel Trailer) Winter Storage

The prices for storing your RV during winter can vary widely based on several factors. Let’s break down these costs to help you prepare financially for this necessary aspect of RV ownership.

  • Outdoor Storage: Prices typically range from $30 to $100 per month. The cost is influenced by the facility’s location, security features, and amenities.
  • Indoor Storage: More expensive, ranging from $100 to $450 per month. Climate-controlled units, which protect your RV from extreme temperatures, are at the higher end of this range.
  • Covered Storage: Falls between outdoor and indoor options, costing around $70 to $200 per month. It offers protection from the elements but not temperature control.

How Does Weather Impact Storing an RV in the Winter?


Weather conditions play a significant role in determining the appropriate storage method for your RV. Different climates pose various risks and challenges:

  • Cold Climates: In areas with harsh winters, snow and freezing temperatures can cause damage to the exterior and internal systems of your RV. Indoor or climate-controlled storage is advisable in these regions.
  • Wet Climates: Constant exposure to rain and moisture can lead to rust and mold. In such areas, covered or indoor storage is recommended to protect against moisture-related damage.
  • Sunny Climates: Prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage your RV’s exterior and interior. Using RV covers or UV-protectant wax is essential in these regions, even if the RV is stored outdoors.

Looking Forward: Preparing for the Next Season

As winter comes to an end, it’s important to start preparing your RV for the upcoming travel season. Here are some key steps to ensure your RV is ready for use again:

  • Inspect and Clean: Thoroughly inspect your RV for any damage that might have occurred during storage. Clean both the interior and exterior.
  • Check Tires and Brakes: Ensure the tires are properly inflated and inspect the brakes for any issues.
  • Test All Systems: Check the electrical system, plumbing, heating, and cooling to ensure everything is operational.
  • Replenish Fluids: Replace or replenish all fluids, including engine oil, coolant, and fuel stabilizer.
  • Safety Checks: Test smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers to ensure they are in working order.


Proper winter storage of RVs and travel trailers is not just a routine task—it’s a crucial measure to protect your valuable investment. The harsh winter conditions can wreak havoc on an unprepared RV, leading to costly repairs and diminished longevity.

By understanding the nuances of different storage options, being mindful of the weather’s impact, and preparing your RV for the cold months, you are taking proactive steps to ensure its preservation and service. Always remember, the effort you put into winterizing your RV is directly proportional to the joy and reliability it provides in your travels.


1. Do I need to winterize my RV (travel trailer) if stored inside?

Yes, winterizing your RV or travel trailer is necessary even if it’s stored inside. Indoor storage protects against external elements, but it doesn’t prevent issues like freezing of the plumbing system or the degradation of internal components. Winterizing ensures that all aspects of your RV are safeguarded against potential damage during the cold months.

2. Should I cover my travel trailer for the winter?

Covering your travel trailer for the winter is advisable, especially if it’s stored outdoors. A quality cover protects against UV rays, snow, rain, and debris, reducing the risk of exterior damage and wear. Ensure the cover is breathable to prevent moisture buildup and mold growth.

3. Should you cover camper with tarp in winter?

While a tarp can offer some protection against snow and rain, it’s not always the best choice for covering a camper in winter. Tarps can trap moisture, leading to mold and mildew, and may not provide adequate UV protection. A breathable, specifically designed RV cover is a better option.

4. How do I protect my travel trailer roof from winter?

To protect your travel trailer roof in winter, regularly clean and inspect it for any signs of damage or leaks. Applying a UV-protectant sealant can help prevent further sun exposure and damage. If stored outside, use a high-quality, breathable cover to shield the roof from snow, ice, and debris.

5. Should I leave my travel trailer plugged in all winter?

It’s not recommended to leave your travel trailer plugged in all winter as it can lead to overcharging and damage to the battery. Instead, fully charge the battery, disconnect it, and store it in a cool, dry place. Periodically check and recharge the battery as needed.

6. What should I remove from RV for winter storage?

Remove all perishables, food items, and any liquids that might freeze from your RV for winter storage. Also, take out valuables and personal items. Empty and clean all water tanks, and remove batteries and electronics if possible, to prevent damage.

7. Is it better to store RV with slides in or out?

It’s generally better to store your RV with the slides in. This reduces the risk of leaks and minimizes exposure of the slide mechanisms to the winter elements. Storing with slides in also protects the seals and plastic slide toppers from potential damage due to snow and ice accumulation.

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