• KC HiLiTES posted an update

    1 year, 1 month ago

    📣 MOVING TO FLAGSTAFF 2/2/24 to 2/11/24.
    🚨Shipping will be paused during this time.

    We’re moving our Headquarters over to Flagstaff, AZ from our current Williams building! Starting on 2/2/2024, our shipping will be paused and we plan to resume shipping again on 2/12/2024. We’re planning to get everything knocked out as quickly as possible so that our move has the least amount of impact possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience with us as our next exciting chapter at KC unfolds.

    PS: If you’ve read this far, stay tuned for updates as we’re planning a Grand Opening Party for the evening of May 15th, 2024. As we sort out those details, we’ll be sure to keep the whole KC Community in the loop.

    #moving #flagstaff #arizona #az #explorearizona #northernaz #visitarizona #flagstafflocal #businessexpansion #kchilites #kclights

    #AdventureFurther #since1970

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